PyCmus API

class pycmus.remote.PyCmus(server=None, socket_path=None, password=None, port=3000)

Bases: object

PyCmus remote class

This class is used to create a PyCmus remote object that is used to send commands to a running cmus. It can be used to connect to either a locally running cmus or a cmus on a remote machine that is configured to listen over the network. If neither a server or a socket file are provided the PyCmus object will look for a running cmus in the default locations and try to connect to that.

  • server (str) – The remote host to connect to the cmus socket on
  • socket_path (str) – The path to the local unix socket for cmus
  • password (str) – The password to use when establishing a remote connection. It is a required field if a server is provided. If a socket_path is used this is ignored
  • port (int) – The port to use for remote connections. If one is not provided it will just use the default port of 3000.

Send a status command and format response as a dictionary

Return status:The player status, it is a newline seperated string with the current state of the player.
Return type:dict

Send a player next command.


Send a player pause command.


Send a player pause playback command.


Send a player play command.


Send a player play command with a file

Parameters:play_file (str) – The path or url to the file to play

Send a player previous command.


Send a player stop command.


Send a player seek command

Parameters:seek – The position to seek the player to. This can either be a raw integer which will be the position in number of secs (where 0 is the start of the file) or it can be an +/- # offset where the position will either either move forward or backwards respectively the number of seconds specified

Send a raw command to cmus

Parameters:cmd (str) – The command to send to cmus
Return resp:The response from cmus from the issued command
Return type:str

Send a player set volume command

Parameters:volume (int) – the volume to set the volume to

Send a status command

Return status:The player status, it is a newline seperated string with the current state of the player.
Return type:str

Send a toggle repeat command.


Send a toggle shuffle command.